




[program lang=’ruby’ escaped=’true’]

$ cat ab-mruby.conf.rb 
print <<EOS
This is ab-mruby using ApacheBench Version 2.3 <$Revision: 1430300 $>
Licensed to MATSUMOTO Ryosuke, https://github.com/matsumoto-r/ab-mruby

                          CONFIG PHASE

  Target Information  URL: #{get_config('TargetURL').to_s}
  Target Information HOST: #{get_config('TargetHost').to_s}
  Target Information PORT: #{get_config('TargetPort').to_s}
  Target Information PATH: #{get_config('TargetPath').to_s}
  Target Information  SSL: #{get_config('TargetisSSL').to_s}

# defined ab config pattern
if get_config("TargetHost").to_s == "blog.matsumoto-r.jp"

    "TotalRequests"         => 100,                       # int
    "Concurrency"           => 10,                        # int max 20000
    "KeepAlive"             => true,                      # true or false or nil
    "VerboseLevel"          => 1,                         # int 1 ~ 5
    "ShowProgress"          => false,                     # true, false or nil
    "ShowPercentile"        => false,                     # true, false or nil
    "ShowConfidence"        => false,                     # true, false or nil
    "WaitSocketError"       => true,                      # true, false or nil
    "RequestTimeOut"        => 30,                        # int sec
    "BechmarkTimelimit"     => 50000,                     # int sec
    "WindowSize"            => nil,                       # int byte
    "HeadMethodOnly"        => false,                     # true, false or nil
    "Postfile"              => nil,                       # './post.txt',
    "Putfile"               => nil,                       # './put.txt',
    "ContentType"           => nil,                       # 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
    "OutputGnuplotFile"     => nil,                       # './gnu.txt'
    "OutputCSVFile"         => nil,                       # './csv.txt'
    "AddCookie"             => nil,                       # 'Apache=1234'
    "AddHeader"             => 'User-Agent: ab-mruby',    # 'User-Agent: test' 
    "BasicAuth"             => nil,                       # 'user:pass'
    "Proxy"                 => nil,                       # 'proxy[:port]'
    "ProxyAuth"             => nil,                       # 'user:pass'
    "OutputHtml"            => false,                     # true, false or nil
    "BindAddress"           => nil,                       # 'matsumoto-r.jp'
    "SSLCipher"             => nil,                       # 'DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA' or get from [openssl ciphers -v]
    "SSLProtocol"           => nil,                       # 'SSL2', 'SSL3', 'TLS1', 'TLS1.1', 'TLS1.2' or 'ALL'
    "SilentMode"            => true,

elsif get_config("TargetHost").to_s == "moblog.matsumoto-r.jp"

    "TotalRequests"         => 200,                       # int
    "Concurrency"           => 20,                        # int max 20000
    "KeepAlive"             => true,                      # true or false or nil
    "VerboseLevel"          => 1,                         # int 1 ~ 5
    "ShowProgress"          => false,                     # true, false or nil
    "ShowPercentile"        => false,                     # true, false or nil
    "ShowConfidence"        => false,                     # true, false or nil
    "WaitSocketError"       => true,                      # true, false or nil
    "RequestTimeOut"        => 30,                        # int sec
    "BechmarkTimelimit"     => 50000,                     # int sec
    "WindowSize"            => nil,                       # int byte
    "HeadMethodOnly"        => false,                     # true, false or nil
    "Postfile"              => nil,                       # './post.txt',
    "Putfile"               => nil,                       # './put.txt',
    "ContentType"           => nil,                       # 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
    "OutputGnuplotFile"     => nil,                       # './gnu.txt'
    "OutputCSVFile"         => nil,                       # './csv.txt'
    "AddCookie"             => nil,                       # 'Apache=1234'
    "AddHeader"             => 'User-Agent: ab-mruby',    # 'User-Agent: test' 
    "BasicAuth"             => nil,                       # 'user:pass'
    "Proxy"                 => nil,                       # 'proxy[:port]'
    "ProxyAuth"             => nil,                       # 'user:pass'
    "OutputHtml"            => false,                     # true, false or nil
    "BindAddress"           => nil,                       # 'matsumoto-r.jp'
    "SSLCipher"             => nil,                       # 'DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA' or get from [openssl ciphers -v]
    "SSLProtocol"           => nil,                       # 'SSL2', 'SSL3', 'TLS1', 'TLS1.1', 'TLS1.2' or 'ALL'
    "SilentMode"            => true,

elsif get_config("TargetHost").to_s == "registerunderflow.org"

    "TotalRequests"         => 300,                       # int
    "Concurrency"           => 30,                        # int max 20000
    "KeepAlive"             => true,                      # true or false or nil
    "VerboseLevel"          => 1,                         # int 1 ~ 5
    "ShowProgress"          => false,                     # true, false or nil
    "ShowPercentile"        => false,                     # true, false or nil
    "ShowConfidence"        => false,                     # true, false or nil
    "WaitSocketError"       => true,                      # true, false or nil
    "RequestTimeOut"        => 30,                        # int sec
    "BechmarkTimelimit"     => 50000,                     # int sec
    "WindowSize"            => nil,                       # int byte
    "HeadMethodOnly"        => false,                     # true, false or nil
    "Postfile"              => nil,                       # './post.txt',
    "Putfile"               => nil,                       # './put.txt',
    "ContentType"           => nil,                       # 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
    "OutputGnuplotFile"     => nil,                       # './gnu.txt'
    "OutputCSVFile"         => nil,                       # './csv.txt'
    "AddCookie"             => nil,                       # 'Apache=1234'
    "AddHeader"             => 'User-Agent: ab-mruby',    # 'User-Agent: test' 
    "BasicAuth"             => nil,                       # 'user:pass'
    "Proxy"                 => nil,                       # 'proxy[:port]'
    "ProxyAuth"             => nil,                       # 'user:pass'
    "OutputHtml"            => false,                     # true, false or nil
    "BindAddress"           => nil,                       # 'matsumoto-r.jp'
    "SSLCipher"             => 'AES256-SHA',              # 'DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA' or get from [openssl ciphers -v]
    "SSLProtocol"           => 'SSL3',                    # 'SSL2', 'SSL3', 'TLS1', 'TLS1.1', 'TLS1.2' or 'ALL'
    "SilentMode"            => true,

    "TotalRequests"         => 100,                       # int
    "Concurrency"           => 10,                        # int max 20000
    "KeepAlive"             => true,                      # true or false or nil
    "VerboseLevel"          => 1,                         # int 1 ~ 5
    "SilentMode"            => true,






[program lang=’ruby’ escaped=’true’]

$ cat ab-mruby.test.rb 
module Kernel
  def test_suite &blk
    @@r = get_config
    @@t = blk
    @@result = true
  def bln_color val
    (val) ? "[¥e[33m#{val}¥e[m]" : "[¥e[36m#{val}¥e[m]"
  def should_be val
    ret = @@r[self] == val
    puts "[TEST CASE] #{bln_color ret} #{self} (#{@@r[self]}) should be #{val}"
    @@result = ret if ret == false
  def should_be_over val
    ret = @@r[self] > val
    puts "[TEST CASE] #{bln_color ret} #{self} (#{@@r[self]}) should be over #{val}"
    @@result = ret if ret == false
  def should_be_under val
    ret = @@r[self] < val
    puts "[TEST CASE] #{bln_color ret} #{self} (#{@@r[self]}) should be under #{val}"
    @@result = ret if ret == false
  def test_run
    puts "¥ntest suites: #{bln_color @@result}¥n"

print <<EOS
This is ab-mruby using ApacheBench Version 2.3 <$Revision: 1430300 $>
Licensed to MATSUMOTO Ryosuke, https://github.com/matsumoto-r/ab-mruby

                            TEST PHASE


if get_config["TargetHost"] == "blog.matsumoto-r.jp"

  test_suite do
    "TargetServerHost".should_be                 "blog.matsumoto-r.jp"
    "TargetServerPort".should_be                 80
    "TargetDocumentPath".should_be               "/"
    "TargetServerSoftware".should_be             "nginx/1.4.1"
    "FailedRequests".should_be                   0
    "KeepAliveRequests".should_be                0
    "WriteErrors".should_be                      0
    "HTMLTransferred".should_be_over             0
    "TargetDocumentLength".should_be_over        0
    "TotalTransferred".should_be_over            0
    "CompleteRequests".should_be                 100
    "TransferRate".should_be_over                4000
    "TimeTakenforTests".should_be_under          5
    "RequestPerSecond".should_be_over            40
    "TimePerRequest".should_be_under             20
    "TimePerConcurrentRequest".should_be_under   200
    "TotalBodySent".should_be                    0
    "ConnetcErrors".should_be                    0
    "ReceiveErrors".should_be                    0
    "LengthErrors".should_be                     0
    "ExceptionsErrors".should_be                 0
    "Non2xxResponses".should_be                  0

elsif get_config["TargetHost"] == "moblog.matsumoto-r.jp"

  test_suite do
    "TargetServerHost".should_be                 "moblog.matsumoto-r.jp"
    "TargetServerPort".should_be                 80
    "TargetDocumentPath".should_be               "/"
    "TargetServerSoftware".should_be             "nginx/1.4.1"
    "FailedRequests".should_be                   0
    "KeepAliveRequests".should_be                0
    "WriteErrors".should_be                      0
    "HTMLTransferred".should_be_over             0
    "TargetDocumentLength".should_be_over        0
    "TotalTransferred".should_be_over            0
    "CompleteRequests".should_be                 200
    "TransferRate".should_be_over                500
    "TimeTakenforTests".should_be_under          5
    "RequestPerSecond".should_be_over            40
    "TimePerRequest".should_be_under             30
    "TimePerConcurrentRequest".should_be_under   500
    "TotalBodySent".should_be                    0
    "ConnetcErrors".should_be                    0
    "ReceiveErrors".should_be                    0
    "LengthErrors".should_be                     0
    "ExceptionsErrors".should_be                 0
    "Non2xxResponses".should_be                  0

elsif get_config["TargetHost"] == "registerunderflow.org"

  test_suite do
    "TargetServerHost".should_be                 "registerunderflow.org"
    "TargetServerPort".should_be                 443
    "TargetDocumentPath".should_be               "/"
    "TargetServerSoftware".should_be             "nginx/1.4.1"
    "FailedRequests".should_be                   0
    "KeepAliveRequests".should_be                0
    "WriteErrors".should_be                      0
    "HTMLTransferred".should_be_over             0
    "TargetDocumentLength".should_be_over        0
    "TotalTransferred".should_be_over            0
    "CompleteRequests".should_be                 300
    "TransferRate".should_be_over                500
    "TimeTakenforTests".should_be_under          30
    "RequestPerSecond".should_be_over            10
    "TimePerRequest".should_be_under             100
    "TimePerConcurrentRequest".should_be_under   3000
    "TotalBodySent".should_be                    0
    "ConnetcErrors".should_be                    0
    "ReceiveErrors".should_be                    0
    "LengthErrors".should_be                     0
    "ExceptionsErrors".should_be                 0
    "Non2xxResponses".should_be                  0


  test_suite do
    "FailedRequests".should_be                   0
    "WriteErrors".should_be                      0
    "CompleteRequests".should_be                 100
    "TransferRate".should_be_over                500
    "RequestPerSecond".should_be_over            1000
    "TimePerRequest".should_be_under             100
    "TimePerConcurrentRequest".should_be_under   3000
    "ConnetcErrors".should_be                    0
    "ReceiveErrors".should_be                    0
    "LengthErrors".should_be                     0
    "ExceptionsErrors".should_be                 0
    "Non2xxResponses".should_be                  0






本当はRakefileみたいなの作って、あるディレクトリ以下にURL毎にディレクトリを作って、その中にそれぞれ上記のテストケースやベンチマークパターンをいれて、rake hogeとかした方がだいぶカッコいいと思いますが、僕の場合はこれで十分です。

[program lang=’actionscript3′ escaped=’true’]

$ cat ab-mruby-test.sh 



for url in $TARGET



[program lang=’ruby’ escaped=’true’]

$ sh ab-mruby-test.sh
This is ab-mruby using ApacheBench Version 2.3 <$Revision: 1430300 $>
Licensed to MATSUMOTO Ryosuke, https://github.com/matsumoto-r/ab-mruby

                          CONFIG PHASE

  Target Information  URL: https://blog.matsumoto-r.jp/
  Target Information HOST: blog.matsumoto-r.jp
  Target Information PORT: 80
  Target Information PATH: /
  Target Information  SSL: false
This is ab-mruby using ApacheBench Version 2.3 <$Revision: 1430300 $>
Licensed to MATSUMOTO Ryosuke, https://github.com/matsumoto-r/ab-mruby

                            TEST PHASE

[TEST CASE] [true] TargetServerHost (blog.matsumoto-r.jp) should be blog.matsumoto-r.jp
[TEST CASE] [true] TargetServerPort (80) should be 80
[TEST CASE] [true] TargetDocumentPath (/) should be /
[TEST CASE] [true] TargetServerSoftware (nginx/1.4.1) should be nginx/1.4.1
[TEST CASE] [true] FailedRequests (0) should be 0
[TEST CASE] [true] KeepAliveRequests (0) should be 0
[TEST CASE] [true] WriteErrors (0) should be 0
[TEST CASE] [true] HTMLTransferred (8875600) should be over 0
[TEST CASE] [true] TargetDocumentLength (88756) should be over 0
[TEST CASE] [true] TotalTransferred (8899200) should be over 0
[TEST CASE] [true] CompleteRequests (100) should be 100
[TEST CASE] [false] TransferRate (2738.769489) should be over 4000
[TEST CASE] [true] TimeTakenforTests (3.173186) should be under 5
[TEST CASE] [false] RequestPerSecond (31.5140681) should be over 40
[TEST CASE] [false] TimePerRequest (31.73186) should be under 20
[TEST CASE] [false] TimePerConcurrentRequest (317.3186) should be under 200
[TEST CASE] [true] TotalBodySent (0) should be 0
[TEST CASE] [true] ConnetcErrors (0) should be 0
[TEST CASE] [true] ReceiveErrors (0) should be 0
[TEST CASE] [true] LengthErrors (0) should be 0
[TEST CASE] [true] ExceptionsErrors (0) should be 0
[TEST CASE] [true] Non2xxResponses (0) should be 0

test suites: [false]
This is ab-mruby using ApacheBench Version 2.3 <$Revision: 1430300 $>
Licensed to MATSUMOTO Ryosuke, https://github.com/matsumoto-r/ab-mruby

                          CONFIG PHASE

  Target Information  URL: http://moblog.matsumoto-r.jp/
  Target Information HOST: moblog.matsumoto-r.jp
  Target Information PORT: 80
  Target Information PATH: /
  Target Information  SSL: false
This is ab-mruby using ApacheBench Version 2.3 <$Revision: 1430300 $>
Licensed to MATSUMOTO Ryosuke, https://github.com/matsumoto-r/ab-mruby

                            TEST PHASE

[TEST CASE] [true] TargetServerHost (moblog.matsumoto-r.jp) should be moblog.matsumoto-r.jp
[TEST CASE] [true] TargetServerPort (80) should be 80
[TEST CASE] [true] TargetDocumentPath (/) should be /
[TEST CASE] [true] TargetServerSoftware (nginx/1.4.1) should be nginx/1.4.1
[TEST CASE] [true] FailedRequests (0) should be 0
[TEST CASE] [true] KeepAliveRequests (0) should be 0
[TEST CASE] [true] WriteErrors (0) should be 0
[TEST CASE] [true] HTMLTransferred (6698600) should be over 0
[TEST CASE] [true] TargetDocumentLength (33493) should be over 0
[TEST CASE] [true] TotalTransferred (6759000) should be over 0
[TEST CASE] [true] CompleteRequests (200) should be 200
[TEST CASE] [true] TransferRate (4062.9241454) should be over 500
[TEST CASE] [true] TimeTakenforTests (1.62459) should be under 5
[TEST CASE] [true] RequestPerSecond (123.1079841) should be over 40
[TEST CASE] [true] TimePerRequest (8.12295) should be under 30
[TEST CASE] [true] TimePerConcurrentRequest (162.459) should be under 500
[TEST CASE] [true] TotalBodySent (0) should be 0
[TEST CASE] [true] ConnetcErrors (0) should be 0
[TEST CASE] [true] ReceiveErrors (0) should be 0
[TEST CASE] [true] LengthErrors (0) should be 0
[TEST CASE] [true] ExceptionsErrors (0) should be 0
[TEST CASE] [true] Non2xxResponses (0) should be 0

test suites: [true]
This is ab-mruby using ApacheBench Version 2.3 <$Revision: 1430300 $>
Licensed to MATSUMOTO Ryosuke, https://github.com/matsumoto-r/ab-mruby

                          CONFIG PHASE

  Target Information  URL: https://registerunderflow.org/
  Target Information HOST: registerunderflow.org
  Target Information PORT: 443
  Target Information PATH: /
  Target Information  SSL: true
This is ab-mruby using ApacheBench Version 2.3 <$Revision: 1430300 $>
Licensed to MATSUMOTO Ryosuke, https://github.com/matsumoto-r/ab-mruby

                            TEST PHASE

[TEST CASE] [true] TargetServerHost (registerunderflow.org) should be registerunderflow.org
[TEST CASE] [true] TargetServerPort (443) should be 443
[TEST CASE] [true] TargetDocumentPath (/) should be /
[TEST CASE] [true] TargetServerSoftware (nginx/1.4.1) should be nginx/1.4.1
[TEST CASE] [true] FailedRequests (0) should be 0
[TEST CASE] [true] KeepAliveRequests (0) should be 0
[TEST CASE] [true] WriteErrors (0) should be 0
[TEST CASE] [true] HTMLTransferred (17557800) should be over 0
[TEST CASE] [true] TargetDocumentLength (58526) should be over 0
[TEST CASE] [true] TotalTransferred (17709600) should be over 0
[TEST CASE] [true] CompleteRequests (300) should be 300
[TEST CASE] [true] TransferRate (686.5145302) should be over 500
[TEST CASE] [true] TimeTakenforTests (25.191792) should be under 30
[TEST CASE] [true] RequestPerSecond (11.9086407) should be over 10
[TEST CASE] [true] TimePerRequest (83.97264) should be under 100
[TEST CASE] [true] TimePerConcurrentRequest (2519.1792) should be under 3000
[TEST CASE] [true] TotalBodySent (0) should be 0
[TEST CASE] [true] ConnetcErrors (0) should be 0
[TEST CASE] [true] ReceiveErrors (0) should be 0
[TEST CASE] [true] LengthErrors (0) should be 0
[TEST CASE] [true] ExceptionsErrors (0) should be 0
[TEST CASE] [true] Non2xxResponses (0) should be 0

test suites: [true]




